How To Water Your Lawn Each Week With Minimal Effort

How much should I water my lawn, and how do I choose the best irrigation methods to begin with? While there are several factors that determine how much you need to manually water your lawn each week, watering can actually be a simple task. In fact, many expert lawn owners and landscapers have some tricks up their sleeves to make irrigation fairly effortless.

In truth, how you should water your lawn depends on how much sunlight your lawn receives, the weather, the grass species, the soil type, and a plethora of other changing environmental factors. However, here are several easy-to-follow tips for how to water your lawn each week with minimal effort.

How much water does my lawn need?

How much water you should give your lawn completely depends on the rainfall in that given week. This amount also changes with the temperature, because as the sun gets more intense, the heat will evaporate more water from the soil.

On average, most lawns require 1 to 1 ½ inches of rain a week. If it’s an exceptionally dry week, this lack of rainwater can be substituted by sprinklers or hand watering. Sprinklers are not only an effective way to water a plot of turf evenly, but it is also labor-free and time efficient. In the summer, it is recommended to run sprinklers for 30 minutes a day, for 2-3 days a week.

Proper irrigation is essential for the growth and production of a healthy turf. By providing your lawn with a deep watering, your grass will develop a strong and grounded root system. Water is also necessary for your lawn’s survival because it carries vital nutrients for growth and disease resistance.

How frequently should I water my lawn?

The amount of water consumed by your lawn isn’t the only factor to consider. Your watering schedule is just as important to grow a disease-resistant lawn.

An easy and effective way to track when your lawn is being watered is the “Cycle and Soak” irrigation method. This method of watering copies the natural rainfall patterns of Mother Nature, so your lawn will be both drought and fungus resistant.

The “cycle” period suggests that you water your lawn throughout the week. Each “soak” period, you deeply water the grass a few times a week and allow the turf time to soak up the water to a depth of 6-8 inches. The goal is to avoid runoff and excess water without drying out the soil that week.

It is best to avoid drowning your lawn because excess water can promote fungal growth and an abundance of weeds. On the other hand, it is essential to avoid drought in order to fully nurture a vibrant, hardy lawn.

How can I water my lawn while reducing my water consumption?

There’s an easy trick to reduce both how much water you use and how frequently you douse your lawn: water early in the morning before the sun rises. By watering your lawn either by hand or with sprinklers at early, less water is evaporated by the heat of the sun. This will allow more water to seep through the soil and effectively reach the roots of your turf.

If you’re looking to go green, there are a few other methods to reduce your water consumption for the environment. In all six New England states, collecting rainwater is completely legal and can drastically change your watering game. Not only can it reduce your water bill, but harvested rainwater has a reduced salt content, which can improve the growth of your lawn.

Wetting Agents are a great way to reduce the amount of water. What are the benefits of a “Wetting Agent”?

• Improves infiltration of irrigation and natural precipitation
• Preserves water retention by increasing penetration into the soil and thatch
• Water penetrating deeper into the root zone expands the reservoir of water available to roots, and is less prone to evaporation
• Reduces disease pressure by eliminating excess moisture at the surface
• Improves performance of fertility program by increasing nutrient availability and preserving a consistent soil solution

Call MissionGreen Service today for more details on our new Wetting Agent products.

Irrigation doesn’t have to be a time-consuming ordeal, but proper watering will hydrate your lawn and prepare it to face drought and disease.