What is the proper height to mow my lawn? When should I mow my lawn? These are just a few of the questions often asked of lawn care professionals. The answers can vary by grass type, weather, and characteristics of your turf. Mowing lawns is one of the most basic cultural practices that can be performed on lawns. Mowing heights and frequency of mowing will directly influence the quality of turf. Proper mowing will be a great way to deter many weeds from invading lawns and improve the overall quality of your lawn.
Most cool-season grasses (Kentucky bluegrass, Rye grasses, and fine fescues) should be mowed at a height range of 2 1⁄2 to 3 1⁄2 inches. Mowing too low will reduce leaf exposure thus reducing photosynthesis which will reduce lawn quality. Mowing short can harm the root system as well, resulting in shallow roots that require more water.
Recent research has shown that cutting lawns shorter will result in lower tolerance to disease or insects. Lawns can also be more prone to weeds and crabgrass invading. A lawn cut too short will also succumb to dry conditions more quickly and require more water to stay green.
MissionGreen always recommends the 1/3 rule as a guideline. Never remove more than 1/3 of the grass blade at any cut. Sometimes this may require two mowings in one week.

We also recommend you alternate mowing patterns, this helps promote upright shoot growth. Varying the direction of mowing each week will help reduce wear and tear, and soil compaction. Clippings should be recycled back into the lawn whenever possible. This helps return necessary nutrients to the soil.
Keep your mower well-maintained and your blades sharp. Keeping blades sharp will prevent the tear of grass blades and provide a nice, clean cut. Dull mower blades can result in injury to the turf and cast a brownish tint. Dull mower blades can cause increased disease activity and require an increase in watering.